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Your QR code will open this URL.

Event QR Code

Invite people to your event.

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Share PDF Document inside your QR Code.

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App Store & Play Store QR Code

Download apps Android & iOS.

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Image Gallery QR Code

Share multiple images inside your QR Code.

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Video QR Code

Share a video inside your QR Code.

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Social Media QR Code

A place to share all your social media profiles.

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Marker border color
Marker center color

Shape & Form

Dots Get More Designs For FREE
Marker border
Marker center
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Customized Mobile Pages

Track QR Codes

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Trusted by your favorite companies

Benefits from

By using you will be able keep track of how many people scan your QR Codes, from where and on what date.

Also for those non-developers you can create fully customized landing pages for your QR Codes. No Coding Required!

  • Dynamic QR Codes
  • Static QR Codes
  • QR Code Statistics
  • Fully customized landing pages
  • Customized Colors & Shapes for QR Codes
  • No Coding Required

Dynamic vs Static QR Codes

The outcome of both are pretty similar. They have their differences when it comes to changes, updates, stats, track.

How to Use

Creating QR Codes with is pretty simple, create an account and use our QR Code Generator to create unlimited dynamic & static QR Codes.

Choose QR Code
Choose QR Code Type

First step would be to choose your QR Code Type. This will define what your QR Code will do.

Fill required fields
Fill required fields

Then, you'll need to fill the required fields that the QR Code type is asking. For example, Type 'Link' will ask for a website URL.

Download & Share
QR Code
Download & Share QR Code

Finally, you can download and share your QR Code Generated from your dashboard and edit if needed.

What are QR Codes?

QR Codes stands for 'Quick Response'

They were created in 1994 by Denso Wave to track vehicles during manufacturing. They quickly gain popularity when it spread to smartphones.
You can now even scan QR Codes from your phone camera.

I will break down some of the benefits from using QR Codes and the most requested QR Codes features.

Generate QR Code
Gather Feedback

You can ask users to give some feedback when they scan the QR Code.

Describe your Business

You can redirect your clients to some instruction page for your business when they scan the QR Code.

Profile Cards

Physical profile cards are every day more rare and digital profile cards are a great alternative.

Promote Events & Discounts

You can promote any event or give discount codes when people scan the QR Code.

QR Code Types

Different QR Code types you can use for Static QR Codes.


Link to any Website URL


Send an email


Share Text



Make a call


Send message


Send whatsapp message



Connect to WI-FI


Save a contact to the phone scanning


Invite people to your event
